TART Remarks

Protesting the generally accepted influence of religion on everyday life

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Vol 2 No 10 - March 19, 2007

JC… PC through the ages!

A Picture Essay: Hail the arts… how JC remained PC over the ages
"At the heart of the Christian religion stands a Semite - Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was not a Christian. He never heard of Christianity, and was never involved with Christianity, which formed slowly and falteringly over the four centuries after his death. Contemporary English-speaking Christians are not always aware that they talk of Jesus by extruding him from his original historical, ecological, political and religious context. Invariably, they refer to him with two anglicized Greek names, 'Jesus' and 'Christ', and thereby obscure the reality that he was a Galilean worshipper of Yahweh, the God of the Israelites. His original name was Yeshua, an Aramaic word meaning 'Yahweh saves'. Jesus was a Yahweh-proclaimer, not a Church-creator.”


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