Vol. 1 No. 13 - October 30, 2006
What place for Homo sapiens sapiens on this accommodating little blue-green planet, third from the sun?
Are we special? The crown of the creative endeavours of some “god”? And are we to live forever? Given that we have the self-styled notion of “too wonderful to perish”?
In this issue the notion of “eternal life” is discussed. And I include an essay by Bertrand Russell, indicating the probable status of humans in the universe.
And, I venture with my own, modern version – an attempted pastiche – of Russell’s original.
Publisher’s Note
Editor’s Note
Eternal life
The theologian's nightmare, by Bertrand Russell
The theologian's nightmare, by Nathan Bond
Bigotry in the name of God and religion
Clash of cricket and religion:
Apocalypse soon
Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks
Tart Remarks, Vol. 1 No. 13 – October 30, 2006