TART Remarks

Protesting the generally accepted influence of religion on everyday life

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Vol. 1 No. 14 - November 6, 2006

To be a Christian should be more than “doing (so-called) Christ-like things”. It is important that we, all of us humans, strive primarily to avoid doing things that may harm others. And harm nature. It is imperative that we attempt (at least mostly) to do things that may benefit others. And nature.

Humanitarians live by this creed. Rotarians do. Lions do – the club members, not necessarily the predators.

So I think that “being a Christian” should be something different, something additional, something other than “being a decent person” – I regard myself as a decent person, but I am certainly no Christian.

The descriptive English word “gay” has forever lost it’s original meaning. So has the insulting “queer”.

So, can “Christian” still be used to identify someone who, say, no longer accepts that the Christ has physically risen? Or of someone unsure of the Virgin Birth? Or of creation?

Publisher’s note
Editor’s note
What is a Christian?
Democrats get religion
They have seen the light, and it is green
This is no attempt to force-feed religion to children
Gay episcopal bishop says communities of faith may be at crossroads
War & Peace - Michael Shermer
The sound of thorns crackling in a fire

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Tart Remarks, Vol. 1 No. 14 – November 6, 2006


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